Municipal Website Templates

Three people walking on side walk in a quiet street

Municipal Website Templates

Empty benches for sitting along a community park

High-end, Affordable Website Solution

CiviKit municipal website templates provide a feature-rich platform for offering your citizens similar online experiences to a custom website at a fraction of the cost. They utilize tried-and-tested tools and functionality. 

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Hickory Template

Mock up of Ponderosa Municipal website template

Willow Template

screenshot of website homepage

Ponderosa Template

Mock up of Ponderosa Municipal website template
visual representation of text edit tools

Your new website will be:

Branded to your guidelines, existing content will be migrated, training, ongoing support, and a seamless launch will be provided, and your site will be securely maintained, supported, and hosted indefinitely.

CiviKit Websites: Process & Timeline

Two people sitting at a computer reviewing work on the computer screen

Compatible with most third-party softwares as an iFrame, link, or embed!

Integrate additional features and tools beyond the core system, through third-party software such as eSrcibe, Civicweb Calendar, Cyberimpact and more!

Take the next step!

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two coworkers looking at computer screen